Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Have you ever thanked a farmer?

Monday, September 15 marked what's classically known as the night of the "Harvest Moon." It gets it's name from the period of fullness that is nearest to the autumnal equinox (thanks Wikipedia). This past summer I had a chance to tour a working dairy/crop farm in Cambridge. I also watched a wonderful documentary called King Corn. Because of my visit and this movie I've been more aware of the plight of farmers and the food I eat.

Being a farmer is a thankless job. How many times have you gone to the store and expected to find all of the foods you've come to expect? What if the food you wanted to pick up wasn't available or was now $5 more expensive than before? I bet that scenario would force you to think more about where it came from. Farmers are the first to get up in the morning and often times one of the last to go to bed. Farming is their life and if you ever meet a farmer they'll tell you they love every minute of it.

So the next time you meet a farmer tell them thanks for producing the foods we eat!

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